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Interesting Facts About Flowers & House Plants You Should Know

Hey you all! Hope you are having a wonderful day but aren't you someone who believes that plants & flowers bring a lot of joy to our everyday lives? Of course your answer is yes as you are here reading this article! We plant lovers are crazy about taking care of our house plants & try our best to keep them thriving for a longer time period.

But some people often miss out on knowing more about them in order to keep themselves updated & knowledgeable about them! So, we thought of coming up with an article discussing some interesting facts about house plants & flowers that can help you to be conscious of a lot of important things in the journey of keeping them close to your life!

House Plants Helps In Reducing Anxiety & Stress Levels

Nature truly heals in its own ways. Being surrounded with all the greenery is a sign of positive impact on our lifestyle! Several studies conducted all over the world have stated that spending time with the mother-nature helps in reducing our stress levels and relaxes our mind & soul. For those living a city life, house plants are a saviour as they help in calming our mind & gives us the freshness that we crave for!

House Plants Helps To Purify The Air

Houseplants are known to add a touch of green & freshness to our homes, but do you know that some house plants absorb air pollutants to make the air quality a lot better. However, to make this impactful, you are going to require one house plant per 100 sq ft.

When Cutting Flowers, Always Cut At An Angle

If you seek amazing results, don't go for cutting flowers horizontally. Its nothing wrong cutting in that way but if you opt for sharply snipping an inch off from the stem at a 45° angle, you will be amazed! This is so because the surface area water uptake maximizes and will never go flat againts the bottom of the flower vase. Don't forget to trim the stems on a regular basis to keep them hydrated.

You Do Need To Water A Cactus Plant

Yes, don't pre-assume that cactus plants are used to grow and thrive in dry states, storing enough water in their leaves or stems. But don't forget that every living being needs water to sustain! So, next time buying a cacti, don't forget to water them regularly.

Hayfever Sufferers Can Freely Enjoy Flowers

It's a common understanding that people suffering from allergies or fevers are better kept away from flowers. But you should know that there are various species producing heavy pollen which are not likely to become airborne! Some flowers are pollinated by insects & not by the wind such as tulips, peonies & lilies, which makes them a innocuous choice for people suffering with hayfever.

Bananas Are Not A True Friend Of Flowers

Yes, keep your flower vases away from bananas as they emits a gas known as “ethylene” that results in reducing the life-span of flowers.

Acidity Of The Soil Decides The Colour Of Hydrangeas

There are different varieties of hydrangeas that complete depends on the acidity level of the soild for their colour, isn't this so cool? So, acidic soil gives purple or bloe coloured petals and alkaline soil gives red or pink coloured flowers. However, white hydrangeas remain unaffected by the acidity of soil.

Placing A Penny In The Vase Prevents Flowers To Wilt

Well, you might be wondering if this is actually true or not, but let me tell you that it really works! Copper helps the water become more acidic that helps to reach to the stems quickly resulting in keeping them fresh for a really long time.


So, these were some of the amazing facts that you must be knowing as a plant lover! However, if you also know some other interesting facts about house plants or flowers, feel free to share those with us in the comment section.

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